Privacy Policy

Clarensia aims to protect your confidentiality and provide you a comfortable experience of working with our website and services.
This Privacy Policy explains who we are, why and how we collect and work with personalized data. This Privacy Policy applies to the Site and all products and services offered by Clarensia.

Privacy Policy describes the manner in which “Clarensia Technology Solutions SAS“ collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a “User”) of the website (“Site”). If you have any questions please write us an email ([email protected]). Also you could send us a mail to this address: 36bis rue Auguste Barbier, 77300 Fontainebleau, France.

We are Clarensia. We are the end-controllers of your personal data and process it according to the conditions stipulated in this Privacy Policy.
If a notification is displayed during the collection of data, or a confidentiality statement of a specific website or solution contradicts this Privacy Policy, the statement or notification will prevail over this Policy.

We can process your personal data if:

- You are a client or vendor of Clarensia (or are interested in becoming one);
- You use products and/or services that have been developed by us;
- You are our employee, subcontractor, or are interested in working with us.

Personal Identification Information:

We may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Users visit our site, fill out a form, subscribe to the newsletter, and in connection with other services we make available on our Site. We will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us.

Kind of personal information we collect:

We can process personal information that has been provided directly by you or by a third party.

Data we can collect includes:
- Your name;
- Information about your employer and your duties;
- Your address, phone number, email address, or any other contact informations;
- Personal information given to us during phone conversations, email correspondence, the use of our website;
- Information regarding any cooperation between Clarensia and you or your employer (such as requesting specifications for products or services we provide to you or your employer);
- Other personal information that is necessary to draft or execute an agreement or contract with you or your employer;
- Any personal information you provide us with or which we receive during your visits;
- Personal information which you provide us with while visiting our website, including: technical information including the IP address which you use to connect to the Internet, registration information, type and version of your browser, time-zone, versions and information about your browser plugins, operating system and platform, information about your visit, including visited URLs, browsing history across our website, information about the time and date when you visited our website, time spent on each page, and page response time.

This information is used for analysis, improving convenience and efficiency of our website.
In certain cases, Clarensia and partner third-parties can automatically collect data using browser cookies, web logs, and other similar applications.

What we do with your personal information:

We process your personal information for the following reasons:
- Advertising and sales activities;
- Creating and executing contracts and agreements with you or your employer;
- Administering our website in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the agreement;
- Improving our website to provide content in the most effective way for you;
- Improving safety during your visit of our website;
- Evaluation and understanding of the efficiency of the advertising that we display to you and other parties.

Changes to this Privacy Policy:

“Clarensia Technology Solutions SAS“ has the discretion to update this Privacy Policy at any time. We strongly recommend you to check this page for any changes in order to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications. Where the changes are significant, we will email all our registered users and provide them with the new details.

Right to subject access request and right to rectification:

The User can ask the Site to provide a report of every place where the User’s personal and business data is held. The User can request an update of inaccurate data. The User can request the Site to delete all their personal and business data held by the Site. 

Privacy Policy   Cookie Policy   © Clarensia Technology Solutions SAS